Tech City

Foshan, China

The economic growth that has taken place in Guangzhou and the surrounding Pearl River Delta in the past decades has included Hangzhou. The project was commercial-use iconic buildings that act as hubs for people to live and work. This office complex demonstrates a new typology for urban habitation that blends the idea of the central plaza into the geometry of the building, blurring the traditional bounds of the public and private realms. The multiple buildings masses correspond to a separation of various client occupancies while retaining a unified connection through food and beverage and retail at the ground and underground levels. Positioned at the river’s edge, each building acts like a pebble along the river and with its highly articulated facades act as an interface between the river and the city grid, creating a visual draw for the public and city. 


2013 Design Competition


Commercial Office & Retail


1,270,000 sf


12 stories / 169 st