Skyway Station

New York, USA

Aerial ropeway systems are the best transportation system to be introduced to existing urban cities, especially with difficult terrain.  It requires very little land and is one of the most cost effective means of augmenting existing transportation.  The ropways system is also one of the more timely solutions to construct compared to other transportation systems due to its minimal footprint.  To interface the ropeway system with existing transportation infrastructure requires multimodal stations to facilitate effortless transfers between transportation modes. The Skyway Prototype Station acts as a multimodal hub allowing for the aerial ropeway system along with rail, bus, and car for taxi.   The station would be an icon for the city as many transportation systems have been for many major global cities.  In London, the red double decker bus is a symbol of public transportation as well as the underground.  In dubai the overground monorail stations are an extensive image for the city with all its competing architecture.  In the same way, the skyway prototype station and its aerial car would be a similar icon for the city along with the iconic trains, buses, and taxis.   

Date Typology Area Height

2016 Concept Design


Transportation, Multimodal Transit Hub


126,530 sf


2 stories/ 48 ft